It has come to our attention that new efforts are being made by scammers to create fraudulent accounts with various entities by imitating and targeting 501(c)(3) organizations. Access To Recovery will only reach out to NEW partners using an email address that ends in Please disregard any NEW communication efforts made using alternative contact information. Thank you.

Access To Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Rhode Island dedicated to reducing the negative impacts caused by alcoholism/substance misuse while preventing needless overdose deaths.
We are funded entirely by donations and foundation grants. We intentionally do not receive any state or federal funding for our efforts, thus allowing us flexibility to meet the true needs of individuals.
Our team is comprised of community members with personal and professional experience in recovery. We are experts in this field and are committed to helping others find, maintain and sustain a quality life in recovery. We know what that looks like, because we've achieved it ourselves.
Access To Recovery was established in 2017, and obtained 501(c)(3) nonprofit exempt status in 2018. Once established, we've been able to do quite a bit!
We have worked hard to establish 3 new recovery houses in Rhode Island. These houses contain a total of 22 adult beds and provide the most affordable rent for individuals when compared to other traditional sober or recovery houses. We are also thrilled that one of these locations offers housing for women w/ young children.
As of 01/01/2024, we have eliminated financial barriers for over 500 individuals to access recovery from their addictions. We understand that recovery comes in many pathways and it can sometimes be a process of ups and downs. However, we hear an overwhelming amount of positive response and feel-good stories from our community ambassadors that ensure our outcomes are positive and our efforts are making a difference.
Access to Recovery’s mission is to facilitate access to recovery for those whom suffer from addiction so they may initiate and sustain a pathway of long-term recovery, parallel to fortifying the existing evidence-based solutions in the community. We believe that eliminating financial barriers for individuals to connect to a community of recovery will afford them an opportunity to once again become responsible, productive and contributing members of society.
Our programs change each year as the needs of our communities change. We look to expand three of our previous initiatives in 2024:
Hardship Relief Funds (Recovery Capital Funds)
Recovery Innovation Project (coming soon)
The CDC has announced that we have lost over 107,000 lives between March 2022 - March 2023 due to drug overdoses. We have lost an additional 100,000 lives in that time frame to alcohol-related deaths. Rhode Island is no exception. As more data becomes available, we continue to see death tolls rise. We continue to see families broken apart. We continue to see economical declines directly associated with substance misuse. We continue to see people struggle. The need has NEVER been greater.
We are always in need of a variety of donations, including furniture and funding for our programs (visit our Donate page).
If you feel as though you would like to get involved or help in other ways, we are all ears! Our entire organization has been built from and evolved by the ideas of people who care deeply about this issue. Please use the Contact Us form below to get in touch with us!
We are raising $100,000 for our Recovery Capital Fund in 2022-2023. We asked our FaceBook friends to help raise $10,000 of that
Thanks to $3,055 in community donations and a $3,000 match from volunteers, we now have the first Women's Oxford House in Rhode Island!
We pride ourselves on being 100% transparent with our partners, donors and community regarding our organization's demographics, program outcomes, strategic planning and finances. This has earned us a Platinum Transparency Seal from the world's largest nonprofit verification system.